Visit to North Park Elementary

Tuesday was a sweet experience; I had the opportunity to visit North Park Elementary in Logan, UT. It was heart-warming to have the children so excited to see me; asking random questions and requesting specific songs. A child’s spirit is an amazing creation in its own regard– they have a gleam and an innocence that is inspiring.

Tyler Stenson at North Park Elementary

Tyler Stenson at North Park Elementary

While playing in one of the classrooms, the children requested songs by name: Big Hearts, The Bus, Wyoming, etc. I thought I’d have some fun with a couple of the songs and keep things interactive.

Big Hearts for example, I told the kids that in my song, I chose to compare a big heart to a full moon, the Northern Lights, freight trains, etc. When I turned and asked them what other things are big like hearts, they replied; Elephants, Dinosaurs, Blue Wales, Giraffes, Wolves of Wolves and of course, the Universe. I believe they enjoyed their new version better than the original…

Tyler Stenson at North Park Elementary

Tyler Stenson at North Park Elementary

In another session, I had the children re-write The Bus with me. In a mad-lib style, I asked them to give me a mode of transportation, an emotion and a piece of scenery. The song went from a simple little ditty about city lights, to a soaring Epic about the blue clouds.

On the bus, I’m in love.
On the bus, I’m in love
With the city lights
As they lie there; thin on the horizon.

On an airplane, I am happy.
On an airplane, I am happy
And staring out at the clouds
Because they are blue.

Tyler Stenson at North Park Elementary

Tyler Stenson at North Park Elementary

Lastly, by show of hands, I opened the floor to questions– to name a few, I was asked: Do you have any serious songs? What’s the lowest note you’ve ever played? What is the highest note you’ve ever played? Do you have any love songs?

Tyler Stenson at North Park Elementary

Tyler Stenson at North Park Elementary

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