The Road to Nashville

On Sunday morning, my buddy Aaron and I headed east for an extended road trip. Since he was on his way to Cincinnati, OH and I was bound for Nashville, we thought it best that we caravan to Ohio and I’d do the final leg to Tennessee alone. The pictures below are a few images from the road to my new home.

TS behind the wheel

TS behind the wheel

No road trip is complete without some sort of car trouble. Somewhere on I-90 in Crow County Montana, Aaron blew a tire and slowed our 80 mile an hour pace. The next service town was 60 miles away in Wyoming and it was slow moving on a doughnut spare.

Aaron's blown tire

Aaron's blown tire

The goal was to get to Mt Rushmore on day two but because of the tire delay, plans changed and we realized it wasn’t going to happen. With that in mind, we took in more Wyoming scenery and detoured to the Devil’s Tower. Though it wasn’t on the original itinerary, I was stoked things worked out the way they did.

The Devil's Tower

The Devil's Tower

We eventually made our way to Mt Rushmore on the morning of day three. It was smaller than I imagined but had more of an impact then I expected. As we rounded the bend and I caught my first glimpse of Washington, I’ll admit I got goose bumps. America F Yeah!

President Stenson at Mt Rushmore

President Stenson at Mt Rushmore

I’m currently safe and sound in Waupaca, WI and staying with Aaron’s family for a couple days before the home stretch. There is plenty more road ahead of us and therefore plenty of pictures to come.

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